Never Again is Now!
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Never Again is Now!
Campaign to Support Immigrants is Launched on 30th Anniversary of Civil Liberties Act
August 10, 2018 marks the 30th anniversary of the passing of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, the historic legislation that mandated both an official apology and monetary compensation to those of Japanese ancestry forcibly expelled from their homes and subjected to mass incarceration behind barbed wire under Executive Order 9066. This victory required decades of struggle by a united Japanese American community fighting in the courts, in Congress, and in the court of public opinion. In continuation of this legacy, Nikkei Progressives (LA) and Nikkei Resisters (SF/Bay Area) are excited to announce our #NeverAgainIsNow campaign with the support of a national network of Japanese Americans who are ready to honor this anniversary with action.
The WWII incarceration of Japanese Americans inspires us today to fight to defend the civil liberties of many people from the racist and inhumane policies of the Trump administration. We see Muslims being banned from entering the country, children being torn from their parents at the border, and families being held in indefinite detention -- the parallels with our history are vividly clear. In the name of our parents, grandparents and great grandparents, we vow Never Again!
But our people’s history contains more than barbed wire camps and searchlights. It contains resistance to the unconstitutional Executive Order, legal challenges to the exclusion orders, general strikes and civil disobedience by those refusing to answer the loyalty oath and to comply with draft orders. Our history of struggle goes beyond the concentration camps — from the fight to win citizenship rights for the first generation Issei to the Civil Rights Movement; from the struggle for Ethnic Studies and the Asian American Movement to protests against Trump’s cruel “zero tolerance” policy and recent protests against the Muslim Ban.
Recognizing our history, Nikkei Resisters and Nikkei Progressives formed to unite Japanese Americans to take action in vigorous defense of civil liberties and in the fight for social justice.
On this anniversary of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, Nikkei Resisters and Nikkei Progressives in partnership with Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress in Los Angeles, Densho in Seattle, theJapanese American Service Committee in Chicago and the New York Day of Remembrance Committee are issuing a call to join the #NeverAgainIsNow campaign to mobilize the Japanese American community to take action.
We call on Japanese Americans across the country to join together and pledge to support immigrant communities who face exclusion, just as we were targeted.
We stand with the Latinx, Muslim, Black, and Asian families facing separation, detention and deportation at the hands of ICE. We call for sanctuary for asylum seekers, not border walls. We call for compassion and inclusion, not a Muslim Ban. We are calling on individuals, organizations, and churches to join us in saying #NeverAgainIsNow. Here are some of the ways that people can participate in their local area:
Fundraise for bonds, legal representation, and family reunification costs for those affected by Trump’s policies.
Mobilize for rallies, marches, and other support actions
Mobilize support for the #NeverAgainIsNow campaign through art and culture projects.
Support legal and legislative actions, including but not limited to support for sanctuary
communities, resolutions condemning detention camps, and cancelling contracts with
Help to swing key Congressional Districts by voting into office candidates with a
commitment to civil liberties and human rights.
Do public education on civil liberties and Know Your Rights training
What we learned from the redress and reparations campaign is that the Japanese American community has the compassion, influence and organizational abilities to make a difference! Ganbarou!! Never Again is Now!
Please join us in this pledge. Commit to action here: