Reparations (NP/NCRR)
NP members & Black reparations community activist at dinner (2022)
The NP/NCRR Reparations Committee is a joint committee that benefits from both the history of NCRR’s (Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress/formerly the National Coalition for Redress/Reparations) grassroots work on Japanese American redress and its legacy of solidarity and the energy of Nikkei Progressive’s current solidarity building. The two groups came together in 2020 with a desire to support reparations for African Americans and an understanding that we needed to learn more about Black history and why reparations “ is owed and long overdue.” This process prepared us to express support for HR 40 when we were asked to speak before the House Judiciary Committee in January 2021.
When the NP/NCRR Reparations Committee formed in 2021, learning continued to be a key part of the committee’s work whose meetings begin with an educational piece. We also believed it was important to engage in this work with grounding principles which included following the leadership of Black leaders and organizations. NP members had already been engaged in lobbying efforts for AB 3121, legislation to establish a California Reparations Task Force and had joined the Why We Can’t Wait Coalition to support HR 40, a federal bill to establish a commission to study and make recommendations for African American reparations. Since our first program on the solidarity of Japanese Americans and African Americans Black Reparations, the committee has spoken on panels, conducted workshops, built relationships with Black organizers and reparations coalitions, attended and spoken at the CA 3121 Task Force hearings and continued national lobbying efforts, helping to form the National Nikkei Reparations Coalition with JACL, Tsuru for Solidarity and others in 2022.
Past Projects
1) Seeds of the National Nikkei Reparations Coalition, officially formed in April 2022, were planted in 2021 when several JA orgs and individuals nationally (NP/NCRR, JACL, TFS and San Jose Nikkei Resisters) joined together to send 300 letters to House leaders in support of HR 40 by and lobbied together in person and over Zoom in 2021 and in 2022, including a 12-hour marathon of calls, letter writing, and community discussions. These groups had a chance to come together for an in-person Reparations Happy Hour at the Far East Lounge in July 2023 during the JACL Convention in Little Tokyo.
2) The committee members attended a Vigilant Love workshop on Challenging Anti-Blackness and formed “Pods” that met over a year in monthly sessions.
3) The committee organized and participated in Solidarity Programs with Black leaders: Reparations Then! Reparations Now! in 2021, Day of Remembrance and Yuri/ Malcolm program in 2022 and deepened relationships at the 2023 N’COBRA convention and through coalitions such as the Reparations Movement Monthly Meet-up and the African American Redress Network.
4) A Reparations Workshop was developed and used in classrooms and communities in 2023. Members made presentations on JAMPs, to the Association of Asian American Studies.
5) NP/NCRR was represented at the House Judiciary on HR 40 and at the CA Task Force. NP and NCRR endorsed the Task Force Interim Report and support efforts for future reparations legislation.